Bowls have been used well since mankind walked this earth . They represent more than just a vessel to serve a meal in. There is another layer deeper that holds rich symbolism.
I was out taking of photos of a spot that looked like old architectural ruins and some petroglyphs. I noticed this large hollowed out bowl shape in the rocks . It got me thinking about how there are quite a few sites where there are old architectural ruins that all have bowl shapes .
When I was standing there I felt the powerful feminine energies of the moon emanating from the rock that had been carved and polished out .
Then as I gazed longer I saw a pregnant belly of a woman . I could feel a time on the land where the sacred feminine energies had been worshipped.
Simply that means ...loved, honoured and respected. Not this Inverted distorted idea of grovelling before a master kind of sick perverse worship . But in its truest and purest sense .
We used to worship the Divine Feminine and not demonize or exploit her energy. This wasn't that long ago in time actually, like we have been lead to believe.
Thinking about the bowl shape and how it represents physical nourishment, medicine ,the bringing of life , abundance, spiritual nourishment , carrying water (life force .) They were also used to place offerings and for magical purposes.
The bowl represents the womb. The feminine body is the vessel and portal that all life is created and enters this world .
She represents the healer, emotional & spiritual support of the family and the earth.
Where the Divine Masculine plants the seeds, protects , tends to and cares for the family and the sacred garden of life .
When we loose the sacred symbolic understanding of the spiritual connections in our lives . Wither it be through ceremonial, oral or written passed down traditions. We as a family and society become cut off from the roots.
The root Chakra is also represented as the roots of the tree of life . That represents our stability, feeling safe, secure and being grounded into our connections to the earth .
When I examine old architectural ruins I long for the days where we lived with the earth, not on the earth . Our architecture was much more organic and healthier for the individuals and the ecosystems.
When one left the housing or buildings, they were simply reclaimed by mother earth and very little traces were left by truly advanced civilizations.
I also found it to be very symbolic as I made my way through the forest path examining the rock formations with curiosity. That the artifacts from old societies that represented the feminine ,there seems to be very little understanding of . It's a big unsolved "mystery" , one that we may never understand.
I honestly think there is a much simpler explanation to it all .
When I thought about the roles of the feminine and masculine and how those dynamics are interwoven in the tapestry of our everyday life.
The answer is possibly quite simple . When the mother ( feminine) is not truly and authentically respected, loved and honoured by the father ( masculine) . She will naturally revert to her shadowy nature . The primal or primordial dark side of the yin energies , and vice versa for the masculine.
This causes a downward spiral for them personally, the family and so forth.
That creates a fall in the spiritual, physical, mental health and conciousness of the couple , the family and the community and spirals out into the collective.
When the father/ masculine treats the mother /feminine with disrespect. The children will see that and grow up to treat everything with disrespect to downright hatred that the feminine energies represent.
Life , love, spirituality and connectedness to the earth .
The same goes for if a mother /feminine does not worship , disrespects and mistreats the masculine/ father energies the children see this and misuse power, become overly controlling and egocentric.
Then the spiral of negativity and cycles of toxic patterns start until in a bloodline one decides to stop the cycles. By taking the tremendous
burden / curses and shortcomings of not only their lives ( past /present ) but also their entire lineage on. For those that have taken on the role of the "black sheep healers" thank you for your work ! You are needed and valued so much. 🙏
For example in my case I was given the "download"/vision when I was a child . I remember standing in my grandmothers living room at about 11 or so years old . It was another one of those intense visions I receive where I feel suspended in-between world's and I'm being gifted information straight from the universal consciousness.
It's hard to explain, but everything goes almost pure blue white light and then the mission becomes known to me .
I was shown I came from a bloodline of very dark black magic and powerful people . I didn't really understand what that meant and I'm still uncovering the vastness of that message. I knew I was being given a choice how to use my magic for the dark or the light.
With my understanding only as a child ,yet not really at the same time again, I said no I don't want the dark it didn't feel right. It went against the very fabric of my core being .
I had many opportunities to "take the bait" if you will, of vast riches and all the earthly pleasures. I have had many powerful spiritual beings come to me since I was a child temping me with spiritual contracts and trying to trick me.
I had a hard time fully understanding what was happening, because I was working mostly in the etheric realms and conditioned by my religious upbringing to believe the spiritual world was all evil and my visions were wrong .
Yet I just knew it didn't feel right in my heart and soul and I kept saying no whenever I was approached by these beings.
I chose to take the hard road and these darker beings warned me it was going to be very difficult.
But I chose to fight though the constant barrage of dark entities / energies by honoring, healing and caring for the feminine & masculine parts of myself.
Everytime I got knocked a few steps back, I lived and learned and kept moving forward.
I understood I had to locate the sources of di- ease (mind ,body , spirit ) in order to create balance internally first, then that would eventually start to spiral out to family and community, slowly but surely over time .
But first I had to walk in the shoes of every ancestral line my familiar lineage hurt, ask for forgiveness from them and their spirits in order to help them heal.
This could not be faked, the universe understands energy , not opinions or fake shows.
It had to come from deep in my heart of pure remorse and regret. Even though I didn't do it , I held/ carried the memories and the pain , guilt, shame & sorrow as if I did the harm this lifetime. This also caused me to have a lack of self love & allowed disrespect . That was my hard lesson this lifetime.
Our ancestral conciousness is passed down in our DNA ( cellular memory ) When we awaken or remember we get downloads of alot of our past lives . Also our soul families past collective memories . It can be very confusing for some and they mistake it as their own . As we are on a soul level all connected and come from one source .
So yes it is us , but no it's not , because we are individual souls, but from the same prime source of conciousness. Real past life memories are very tangible when they come through.
It hits you deep on and emotional and soul level, rather than a feeling or a passing memory that feels like a dream .That is the collective souls memory. It can be a bit confusing, I know .
After I left the forest walk , I was driving for a bit reflecting further .
I kind of had a laugh as I could feel my ancestral soul/ bloodline as well as others ancestors unanimously agree and having a good chuckle from the bigger picture how we have all been a bunch of assholes to each other :) That's kind of how we got ourselves into this mess. It's not about blaming , shaming or competing.
We all have hurt, killed, destroyed, lied, cheated and played with *black magic that unleashed a total shit storm of chaos onto our world.
We also inherited their gifts and talents too.
That's the real honest bottom line truth of it all.
So if we are going in (karmic loops )circles and there is no beginning or end , where do we start ?
Well the present, the here and now seems like the most logical conclusion. In order to keep the momentum of personal and collective healing moving forward.
To a more balanced abundant personal life, familiar and society.
*Black magic - can be done simply through manipulation of energies - like slandering, manipulating peoples thoughts/ actions, or cheating to get ahead at anothers expense .
To literally using/calling on the dark spirits in ceremonial magic to do your bidding in order to achieve fame, wealth or power.
