I think between the fake foods , emf frequencies , water contamination, lighting omg the list goes on ...there may be a reason to make the population sick .. considering who owns the pharmaceutical companies..follow the money .. . The sicker and weaker the people the more they won't resist.
I really can't stand led lights they give me headaches ,make me tired and irritated.
I've noticed some strange things with our foods lately ...
Eyes wide open..
What can we do ? Raise awareness...don't buy from stores or companies that are less than ethical . We may not be able to do it all the time but even shifting you buying habits by 10% can create a larger ripple effect for large corporations than we might realize .
Get heirloom non gmo seeds ( they may be a currency in the future at this rate )you can do simple indoor hydroponics and patio gardens.. there are many creative ways ..the information is out there you just have to do the work