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- Spiritual Health Incredible how this man harnesses the chi force of the yin and yang...this is the kind of person I would love to learn from!
- Ancient HistoryI've noticed all the parallels in each story historically,of persons on a spiritual journey. There are many examples of men taking on the spiritual initiation rights . Yet very few are left of what it looks like as a woman on a path of enlightenment. Same path but very different struggles for each one. Lilith is one of my favorite archetypal feminine characters. Totally misunderstood, demonized yet revered. She is darkness and light ..who pushed the borders and boundaries of not only man but the universe itself She chose to exile herself from Eden in her quest for knowledge understanding and ultimately enlightenment. It is very much like the parallel story of the Buddha..Who had everything and chose to leave all the earthly comforts and confines of his world . He chose a life of challenges & hardships for his soul to develop, freedom and ultimately enlightenment. ( Just like the story of Jesus )
- Down The Rabbit listen to part 1 before the new one .(2025) I haven't heard it as of when I'm posting this as I just came across the website again since first being introduced to it in 2022. ✨ This has been popping into my mind again recently. I recieved an email from someone who I don't know very well . She simply said she felt that this would resonate with me and wow did it ever ! I was blown away to find that some else out there had very similar visions as myself. There have been so many visions and dreams that I have kept to myself . For various reasons. Partly trying to make sense of them myself and also because there is a fear of putting yourself out there when you do get these "crazy" visions . The back lash of negativity as a sensitive can feel extremely physically, mentally and spiritually painful . That I am no stranger to and haven't wanted to put myself in those situations purposely. My vision started that's connected I feel to this ,was around 2004/5 . I was pulled to go and stand in the middle of the yard. It was a beautiful early summer day and I just stared at the clouds and stood on the grass looking up at the sky . Something pulled me there and I was just feeling the energy. Then it was like I was transported to another world and I was looking at this massive old fashioned looking theater stage . I was dwarfed by it's immensity. I could heard all around me what sounded like an orchestra warming up . All the instruments playing separately doing warm up exercises. I felt like , grab your popcorn the show is about to begin. I looked up at this huge wooden stage and it had thick rich red velvet curtains with what looked like old fashioned tied backs hanging to the sides. (Later I made the connection it was symbolic of "the world stage ') At that moment I heard / felt a collective of beings calling themselves the council of 9 . They did not have a human energy to them . Yet they didn't feel not human either . They shared some information with me about how the world was about to go through some very major shifts . Everything from extreme natural disasters , economics, and major shift in conciousness/ awareness ( Which has / is happening/ ) They just kept reminding me to observe , do not get attached to "the show" . Watch the events unfold like it's a play . ( Ok even knowing this , it can be easier said than done ) I felt like there was a circle all around me and then they mentioned the Council would be 12/13 then 23 . It was growing in numbers . ( I'm still not sure of what that all means ) Then in 2019 I had the same vision this time , the orchestra had stopped it was like the "audience"went quiet... Then I saw the giant curtains parting ... I heard the show is now beginning.... That lead Into a massive series of constant downloads and visions that is too much to share here at this time . But I knew something big was about to happen that would change the world forever.... After my encounter with this council of beings and the first vision, things started to get really strange for me on every level of my life . My spiritual gifts litterally started to blast open . Which was quite scarry and a bit overwhelming. There really wasn't much information on any of this either at that time . I had always wressled with my acceptance of a spiritual path or the unseen realms . Even though I have had so many unexplainable experiences since a small child. It was almost too normal for me to think anything of it . Yet the paradox was noone else around me saw or felt the things I did . So I hid it most of my life . Add strict religious conditioning as a child to fear the spirit world and my own logical blockages . I was a tough sell :) It seemed almost ridiculous that I had such an issue with believing . Also having to trust in my own intuition without any concrete evidence was and has been a huge personal struggle . I have many stories of tests of faith from the spirit world where I have been incredibly stubborn in my wanting to dis prove it's existence. My logical mind was ridgid and I didn't want to bend . Because that would shatter my entire reality. I honestly felt like I received some very extreme lessons from the universe until I softened my thinking. And started to believe and trust my intuition. The irony is when you accept this particular spiritual path and learning to trust yourself . You are now presented with forces in the mundane world that will come up against you and try to tear down your entire life, destroy your self esteem and cut you off from your spiritual connections. I am in a place now that I'm feeling 1. more people are ready, and able to hear/ understand the messages. 2. I'm learning to let go of my past conditioning and fears around sharing my experiences. 3. I am feeling like I'm able to articulate/ translate the visions a bit better , having some more wisdom and life experiences I have been getting a call / push for a while from the universe to open up more . In order to be of service to others who may be/ have been experiencing the same things or having their own type of spiritual awakenings. Doing this path alone is not easy, yet for some of us we need and require a solitary path . That is not for everyone though. I feel that's why some of us went through the awakening journey alone at first to be able to help those that may be at different timelines of their journey's. So that being said this memory brings me back full circle to the beginning of a series of huge life shifts /challenges and spiritual awakenings . Having this pop up again and considering the world events that are happening, I feel it's time to share this along with some of my own personal visions as I continue. For those of us who have had more in depth awakening experiences this is an opportun.ity and time to be of assistance . As more people collectively awaken ,we can become lighthouses for others . ✨🙏 Link to audio transcript